Windows has built-in utilities and control panels that can be accessed quickly and easily. One of the most powerful yet underrated ways to do this is by using the *.cpl command.

Control Panel files, with the *.cpl extension, are small but mighty tools that let you manage everything from network settings to system properties

In this post I want to summarize these commands in Windows entering at a command prompt or the Run box.

The *.cpl file extension stands for these control panel tools.

Programs and Features ==> appwiz.cpl

> appwiz.cpl

Network Connections ==> ncpa.cpl

> ncpa.cpl

Internet Properties ==> inetcpl.cpl

> inetcpl.cpl

System Properties ==> sysdm.cpl

> sysdm.cpl

Date and Time ==> timedate.cpl

> timedate.cpl

More you will find here,cpl%20file.


How to run Control Panel tools by typing a command